Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I figure I should probably get some posts in that are not just confined to his monthly updates (although 3 months is tomorrow.... how on EARTH did that happen?).  I wanted to share our latest and greatest.

With Colin being at Julia's now during the day, me being back at work - I feel like I have to pack everything into the weekends.  It's probably really silly, and I"ll probably slow down once we get into a better rhythm, but this last weekend we went a little nutty on Saturday.  We had a lot of firsts (some for me and John too).  

We tried to make it down to the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning, but I forgot that with summer they move it further south so we weren't going to make it in time since we decided to walk.  Alas, we were stuck going to the zoo instead.  Shucks.  Hahaha.  I have been wanting to take him to the zoo for a while and it just hasn't really worked out or I've been too chicken to do it on my own.  With John in tow we made it!  He slept through essentially the entire thing - the zebras, the lions, the sea lions, the alpacas... But I did my best to tell him what we were doing anyway, hoping some of it would sink in through his dreams.  

Thanks goodness the Lincoln Park Zoo is free since he isn't really old enough to care..

Snoozin' away the zoo  (this was one of the few times he was accidentally exposed to sun - I actually worked really hard to make sure he was covered.... don't judge me.. hahaha)

Sleeping in front of the zebras

Then that led us to another first while we made our way up to North Center for Rib Fest (a first for me and John)....... the CTA.  Up until this moment I hadn't taken him on any form of public transportation.  Not because I didn't want to, but because there was no need.  With the car and the not drinking while nursing, I never had a reason to not drive.  But, we were meeting up with friends and we didn't have time to get home since we were already running late... so that meant taking the train.  He woke up just in time to get on, and John got to hold on to him.  I had much better judgement and realized that I would probably fall over since I can't ride a train without holding on.  This is his progression:

"I just woke up and have no idea where I am --- I'm not sure about this"

"Soo - this moves really fast and there is a lot of stuff going by outside"

"Ummm - why haven't you taken me on this before, it's awesome!"

Needless to say, he seemed to enjoy his first L ride.  I realized this is the fastest he's ever seen the world move around him, so it was probably pretty intense, but he handled it like a champ.  He then proceeded to sleep through all of Rib Fest...

And when we made it to Chris and Emily's to play poker that night, he did excellent and eventually slept on the footstool next to me. All in all, a jam packed day, but it wore him out and he slept it's his job (which I guess in a way it kind of is).

Smiling Mom onto poker victory!

I think we had a pretty successful weekend.  I had a lot of fun hanging out with Colin, we had a lot of firsts - and it was so needed after a short week of back to work and back to "real life". 

Everyone keeps asking about my back to work and how it's going.  Well, it sucks.. haha.  But not in the all consuming way like it was last week.  I've been back for a week now, and it has gotten a little less depressing to drop him off in the morning - and a little less frantic to pick him up at night.  I commend families that are able to make the SAHM thing work.  If we could afford it, I would consider it -- or at least part time.  But, I do know that this is good for all of us.  I am back in working life, he's socializing with other people -- and in the end I hope we all appreciate each other that much more with the time that we do have together.  Long weekends sound better than they ever have, and holidays and vacations are even more so calling my name.  

Another fun fact that I could wait and share with his three month post, but I'll probably forget AND I'm impatient.... I woke up the other night to feed him and looked in on the bassinet to find a baby on his stomach.  I don't want to name names, but he rolled over and I think shocked himself that he was on his belly because he was none too pleased.  So we have that to look forward to.....

Oh and although it's made its rounds through instagram and facebook, we went to our first Cubs game last night!!  We got cheap tickets so we figured it was as good a time as any to get him over there since the weather was also really warm.  He was definitely taken in with all the sounds, lights, probably smells.  We handed him his blanket and he chewed himself to a near sleep while we watched the Cubs get killed by the Reds.  He eventually napped through the 7th inning stretch and we made our way home in time to hang out before it was his bed time.  Can't wait until he knows more of what's going on and gets excited about baseball!!

Great night for a game

Oh you know, just chilling and eating my blanket

The three of us - Colin is the only one apparently looking at the game

His 'first visit' certificate

Happy Wednesday everyone!!


  1. Happy Three Months!!! AND seriously, what a fun weekend! We have yet to even take Tobin to the zoo - you got us beat! I better get my act together;) I cannot handle how darn cute Colin is, I love his smile. Too handsome! Happy Friday - enjoy wedding weekend!!!

  2. Amazingly fun and busy! I am impressed with all you can fit into one day especially with a baby in tow! Just wait until there are two... ;) hehe just teasing. Colin even beat Ryko & Ari to the zoo (ironically they were both about 6 months old for the first visit). He is too adorable, it should be illegal! Also, you still have an amazing glow about you...motherhood is really agreeing with you. :)
