Friday, February 22, 2013

Impatience is a virtue, right?

Doctor's appointment today (now yesterday) showed ...... NOTHING!  Ha.  Essentially what we expected.  Sure, I'm not due for another 2 weeks, so I shouldn't be surprised, but I guess I imagined her looking at me and being like -- the baby is totally on track for getting here early!  Or something that when said out loud sounds pretty silly.

The only thing we found out today is that I'm still measuring right on track, and he seems pretty comfortable in there and is essentially making no progress to make his grand entrance into the world.  BUT, he is still head down, so at least he's making some sort of effort in there.

Also, the doc said I'm only allowed to go an extra week and a half before they induce.  While that's fun to know, that means that I'm a month away from the absolute deadline for meeting him!  I'm impatient already and we have 2 weeks.... I don't know if I can wait a month!  I mean, of course I'll have to, but geez.... he's already making me crazy.

So, I'm thinking opening thoughts, and relaxing thoughts... and just trying to keep my patience up so that I can be ready if it still takes another 3.5 weeks.

As a girl in my Pilates class said, "I don't know why I keep thinking I'll go into labor early, they say 40 weeks and I'm not at 40 weeks yet, so I shouldn't be surprised if it actually takes the entire time."  Good call girl who's due a week ahead of me.  Good call.

And here's a picture of me at Week 38..

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