Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Brown Eyed Boy

So, a lot of people say that Colin looks a lot like me.. now, when he was BORN, we thought he looked a lot more McDonald (maybe mostly Katie) but I think it's safe to say that Colin is starting to look a bit more like me every day.  I have a feeling that the main reason for that is that we have the same eyes and that's a very dominant feature which leads everyone to think he is my clone.  Otherwise, if you look at the rest of him - long fingers, long toes, long legs, amazing eyelashes ... those are 100% John.

But, for fun, I'm attaching baby pictures of me, and some baby pictures of John.  Enjoy!

Baby Pictures of me:

Doing medicine mouth/face...  

 Me at 5 months old

Being much more successful in a lake than Colin was 

 This picture of Colin is when he was 3 months old - I'm guessing I'm around the same age?

 I'm older in this picture than Colin currently is, but I think I'll see that face in the future

This makes me chuckle because we are in ALMOST the same position

Loving the lake - I hope Colin is as receptive!

Now for some photos of John!  

That's Katie on the left, John on the right - we've already discussed the crazy head shape he and Colin share (see evidence below)

John on the top, Colin on the bottom.. Freaky!  Their profiles are so similar too!

New dad's Looking at their sons (dodged a bullet on John's inability to grow facial hair..ha..kidding)

John just hanging out in his swing in the background :)

Cruising around in their walkers

The frown in this one looks familiar.... Not that Colin ever frowns


I think it's fun to compare baby pictures and see how Colin is constantly changing, and I think constantly going between the two of us.  If he were to lose his big brown eyes, I think he'd look more like John - but I'm pretty sure those are going to stick with him.

Funny how nature works.... I'd like to think he got the best of both of us.  Love that kid.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!!!! It is crazy how much he looks like both of you depending on which baby pictures you are comparing his to. I love all the photos of you and John as babies! The photo of dads looking their sons in almost exactly the same way is amazing!!! Something that should definitely be placed on display. :)
