Thursday, February 20, 2014

This pretty much sums it up

This was posted by a couple of people I know on my facebook feed today - and it really resonated with me.  Colin is still not an "easy" baby... he still screams for no reason, he's fussy, and an early riser (okay, I guess that's not actually something to make him difficult, just a sad turn of events for the last risers we are).  He still wakes up multiple times in a night, and there are times where he is inconsolable.  There were times where I would sit and cry because there was no way to make him stop crying, although I don't think I was ever in my underwear.  

I remember making it to a nursing moms group during my maternity leave, and Colin freaked out and I was embarrassed and felt like I was doing something wrong and I couldn't understand why he was always crying and I panicked.  That was when a lovely woman brought out the exercise ball and had me sit on it and within minutes he was out.  So began my journey of strengthening my core while calming my baby.  

The ball has long since lost its effectiveness, but I remember how grateful I was for trick.  I remember being terrified to leave the house in case he had a melt down, and being worried about finding a place in a corner where I would be able to nurse him without any prying eyes or judgement.  

Colin may not be easy, but he's easier - and at almost a year in, it's amazing how far we've come.

1 comment:

  1. So perfect! Ryko was not an easy baby either. Ari was a little more so. I think "easy" baby is a mythical creature! Lol
