Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our new home (almost) :)

The time has come to show some pictures of the condo that we are in the midst of buying... We went to the inspection on Wednesday and it went pretty well. Some little (hopefully little) things were a problem - dishwasher leaking, a/c not working... things like that. However, we are looking forward to the work we have to do (a little bit anyway) and trying to figure out where to begin... The appraisal should come back today or tomorrow, and that will really solidify everything - so keeping our fingers crossed that we paid a reasonable amount, our loan application should be in the underwriters hands for final approval sometime on Monday!!! So without further ado..... our new home :)

Strangely enough that blue wall at the fireplace will be painted over... This is looking from the front door essentially..

Looking from the baywindows into the dining, kitchen, hallway. The door on the right is the front door.
Kitchen. Ultimately the appliances will probably be updated.. the dishwasher replaced sooner than later (thanks leak!).

2nd Bedroom from one corner - looking at 1 of the closets.

2nd bedroom from other corner looking at the 2nd closet...

The hall bathroom.. some cleaning and a little work to the window will fix it right up!

Full size, side by side washer and dryer in the hallway. That door leads out the back to the patio.

Master bedroom from the corner looking towards the hallway and master bathroom. It has a little bit of a walk-in closet down that little hallway to the right.

Master bathroom with a whirlpool tub... It's fancy. :)

Master bathroom sink.. One day it might be a double-sink. That would be nice. But it already has more storage than our current bathroom :)

Looking into the living/dining from the hallway.

And the roofdeck... Those are Wrigley Field's lights in the background.

So, we should have done a LITTLE bit more research, as we didn't realize until the inspection the other day that there WAS a roof deck. It's pretty huge, has a nice view.. and I think it will be the perfect summertime addition. :)

We plan on doing some work.. painting for one. We are going to figure to what to do with the woodwork. It has been painted multiple times so it's a little "gloppy"... there are some random things to fix, like window locks, floor where the dishwasher warped the wood...air conditioning ... we are considering staining the floors to more of a walnut color than they currently are. John has done some great things in Photoshop to convince me of how beautiful it would look. :) We are starting to think about what colors to put on the walls... what we can do if we take out the bank of cabinets in the kitchen that blocks the view to the living room.. ha. I think we will need to learn how to take it slow so we aren't rushing into everything at once and overwhelming ourselves with home improvement.

So, this is what we have been waiting for since the end of March.. and we are in the homestretch. It's a little overwhelming, but so exciting at the same time. I just hope that over the next few weeks (closing is expected to be June 18) everything goes smoothly and that we end up getting this all finalized. Our move-out date for our current apartment is June 30, so we are just hoping to get it all done before then so we have some time before we have to move our furniture and stuff in!!


  1. I'm so so so so so super excited for you!!! It's a great place, will be a wonderful new home for you and will be so much fun to fix up as the time goes along! (And I'm sure that you'll be better than I am at unpacking... I've been in my place for 4.5 years and I still have boxes...hiding)

  2. You do realize that I have boxes that haven't been unpacked in probably 7-9 years, right? So thinking that we'll be unpacked any time soon is a pipe-dream... ha.

  3. SOOO...I posted a comment (a long one too!) and somehow it never posted to your blog. I must not have entered the correct code:( Anyhow - YAYAYAYAY!!!!! I love love love love your new home - I can't wait to watch you turn it from what it is now into your and John's first home together - so awesome! And I hope I can come visit soon!!!!!! Congratulations to you both again!
