Thursday, November 7, 2013

7 months?

Holy smokes, I can't believe it's been 7 months.. I mean seriously, time is going by so incredibly quickly.  If you don't stop and look around once I in a while... oh wait, that's probably copyrighted somewhere.  But honestly, I have no idea where the time has gone.  We barely even got 7 month pictures in!  We managed to sneak them in before we left for NOLA which I think is mighty impressive. 

What's new on the 7 month front?  He has two teeth.  In true Colin fashion (i.e. fussy, crying, angry fashion) he took to teething like a cat taking a bath.  Not well for anyone involved.  Luckily, although he was teething for over a month (yes... MONTH... the ped was sure they would come in soon after his 6 month appointment.. but they held their ground for nearly a month), it really just kicked into high gear right as it was happening so we didn't all suffer too long. 
He now sits.  And he sits like a champ.  He doesn't like to be on his belly (never has really, so not surprising), and he really doesn't like being on his back much anymore either.  He wants to sit, and if he doesn't want to sit it's because he wants to stand.  So we've got that going for us.  I think sitting opened up his world because he was able to see so much more around him.  He's now working on leaning over to the point of falling over (alright, sometimes PAST the point of falling over) to reach for things, so I think crawling is in our not so distant future.  (Which is totally okay because our house is so baby proofed.... and by baby proofed I mean it's dangerous for US to be walking around)
He spent his first overnight away from me, promptly followed by his first multiple overnights away from both of us.  It actually seemed like it went pretty well - for him and us.  I was nervous, we bought insurance in case I couldn't handle it.  But, I knew it had to happen sometime and what better time than for a birthday surprise in New Orleans.  It was a great trip, although not nearly as relaxing as we thought it would be, and not nearly as full of sleep as we were hoping!  He enjoyed time with grandparents, aunts, and great grandma - so I think it was a good time for all.  And of course the last night he only woke up ONCE in the middle of the night!  What?!?  Of course he's reverted back (maybe reverted way back) since we've gotten home and now wakes up 1,234,684,643 times a night.  (Perhaps that's a little exaggerated?) 
And lastly, he's sort of starting on solids.  We are  going a little bit of the baby led weaning (BLW) route because he likes to put everything in his mouth (not an exaggeration), so we thought him feeding himself would go better than us sticking a spoon in his mouth.  It seems like he's okay with it.  We've tried avocado, toast, red bell peppers, pasta in sauce, zucchini, cucumber, carrots, sweet potatoes, French fry (eh, you can judge but I needed to keep him entertained at the restaurant somehow), egg, green beans, yellow squash, pears, banana.... but in very limited quantities and most of it ended up on him instead of in him.  He choked a bit on the pear, so we are holding off on that for the time being, and we've given him some purees on his tray to play with and dip his veggies and toast in.  We aren't really consistent, and honestly I haven't been able to figure out how on earth to become more consistent since we are late risers, late getting homers, and late dinner eaters.  We will eventually just have to suck it up and figure out how to possibly change our schedules.  Until then, we'll just keep handing him things as we can and see what happens.  The initial fear of choking is slowly subsiding, but it still makes me nervous.  I would be nervous regardless of what "style" we were using because he's gagged with a spoon too... so there isn't any winning here.  Ha.  John pretty much refuses to watch him eat because it makes him so incredibly nervous.
To make him smile right now - we sing Thrift Shop.... I don't know what it is, but he seems to think it's pretty funny... And we get some off-putting glares from people who apparently think it's inappropriate to sing to a baby.
Alright... I'm sure everyone is done with commentary... On to the pictures.  I could have the most ridiculous photo dump, but I'll try and keep it to a respectable number.  The most dangerous thing someone can ask me now is "do you have a picture??"  I have to answer with "tell me the limit of what you want to see, I could do this all day".  Ha.

Just wanted to add one more from the pumpkin patch
John can make Colin laugh like no one else - Love it (and jealous)

7 months!!! 
And soon we'll be heading into month 8.... Does it ever slow down?
Oh, and I almost forgot about Halloween!!  I'll have to post some pictures of that some other time.  He was the narrator yellow man from Oh the Places You'll Go.  I think his costume turned out pretty freaking fantastic!

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