Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pilates for Pregnancy Day 1

Who knew that I would take this opportunity (aka pregnancy) to start an exercise program.  It seems perfectly logical, right?  I mean, no alcohol, eating healthier.. seems right up the fitness alley.  Of course I have to also realize that I'm growing a human and so I have to be realistic about my "fitness goals".  Right now they include: being able to hold a baby (I have no arm strength); not having my abs completely give way once that stomach starts growing (I have no core strength); and the usual, not having my legs fall off because my hips are no longer functioning as joints (I have no hip ... strength?).  Hopefully Pilates will do all of those things for me.  It's not that crappy mat Pilates (I apologize to anyone who enjoys that, it's not for me.  Those 100's or whatever they're called with the fluttering are pure hell) - it's the one that involves the machines that look like medieval torture devices.  That's essentially what it feels like too, but with the benefit of not actually dying on the rack, just not being able to move two days later.

I did this all after getting some inspiration from my die-hard, gym-going cousin who asked if I had signed up for any prenatal exercise classes.  I didn't have a good response as to why not, other than the fact that I've apparently decided that exercise is an excuse to call myself disabled.  Once I got over that and completed a 5k this last Saturday (in a land speed record of 45 min 45 sec) and I realized that my body does in fact still move as expected, I decided it was time to take some action.  

Now I have EIGHT weeks worth of Pilates for Pregnancy, with one woman due in 3 weeks, another woman who is 28 weeks along, and another new girl who is due a week before me (I'm totally going to have to kick that girls arse at this).  I'm for sure the most out of shape person in the class, but I'm just waiting for the really pregnant ones to phase out and to be the old hand at this for the other new women that come in so that I can looking like an f-ing rockstar.  

The girl due a week before me, A, is already giving me strength of mind so that I don't roll my eyes and/or punch her in the face (Disclaimer: I don't actually punch people in faces, it's an empty threat).  We were doing squats (which in case you were curious are the new kegels I've now been informed.  On another note, I found this and find it hilarious) and the instructor was asking us newbies how often we do squats as part of our exercise routine and A looked her in the eye and said "I do them all the time", while I had to shake my head and say "Squats?  Why would I torture myself that way?  I do nothing of the sort".... yeah, I'm already rocking it.

That's all I've got.  I'll let you know how it goes.... this could be the best or worst decision I've ever made!

Here's a picture of John and I at our first Bears preseason game to jazz up the post:

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed by your motivation. New goal: answer every question from your instructors like you've never lifted a finger in your life to work out. (Then any progress will be that much more impressive! Lowering expectations is the key... then this other girl's got lots to prove) - Sarah (you can come to me for exercise advice anytime)
