Sunday, January 20, 2013

Moving right along.... definitely moving

So, a quick update on the week-by-week.  It's been a little bit of time, I'm actually in Week 34 now but haven't taken the picture.  But I'm back on track.  How am I feeling, you might ask?  I'm feeling great!  Today I'm feeling full and my belly is feeling a bit ridiculous - but two days ago I think I actually forgot I was pregnant for most of the day because I felt so good.  So, that was a little weird.  Hahaha - but probably super lucky? 

Went to the doctor on Thursday - his heartbeat is strong at 156, size is spot on (32 cm for 32 weeks), and generally speaking all looks well.  My right hand is still swollen, some days are better than others.  The last couple of days have been baaaad.  I don't know what the deal is with that.  But, I'm sure it's due to the soreness in my knuckles and then this little guy making my body crazy.  My doctor still isn't worried about it.  I still have ankles, and my feet haven't gotten swollen or gotten bigger, so I guess I'll take what I can get.  Just as long as this hand thing disappears in about 7 weeks - otherwise I'm going to be a little bit annoyed.

He's moving a lot more now.  There are still some days where he doesn't move as much, but then there are days when he goes nuts.  I haven't been able to identify body parts (thank goodness --- yikes!), but I can tell that he moves more right after drinking some cold water.  So, that's kind of fun. 

I've heard that people start to get anxious once the end is so much in sight.  I'm still super happy to wait to have the scariness of taking care of a baby.  Haha, so he can take his time.  Remind me of this in like 4 weeks when I'm tired and giant and don't want to do this anymore.  :)  I can also stand to wait because I'm STILL waiting on my maternity policy.  I have tried to be so patient and understanding, but that ran out a few weeks ago.  Honestly, I'm like 4 weeks from being full-term, less than 7 weeks until he's due... and I still don't know how much time I can take off or if I'm getting paid for any of it.  It's extremely frustrating.  There is promise after promise that it should be released on "X Day" and when that day passes there is another one set in place.  I'm about to pull the "crazy pregnant lady" card and start being a pain in the ass.

Oh, talking about "crazy pregnant lady" ---- I was last week.  When I'm out in Lombard, I would say that about 90% of the office complex people smoke.  And they smoke right in front of the freaking door.  State law requires 15' from the door -- but that doesn't seem to make a difference.  The other morning, I couldn't take it - there was this old mafia looking guy standing outside the door as I walked in and he didn't even make a MOVE to get away from the door... I may or may not have looked at him and his friend and say "really?  could you at least try to move 15' away from the door like you're supposed to?"... his friend looks at me and says "I'm not smoking".  Really???  Clearly you're not smoking therefor I'm NOT TALKING TO YOU... instead of yelling at him and saying "no shit", I responded with "I realize that, but your friend is, and you need to be at least 15' away from the door, it's the law".  The guy apologized and moved away... I was worried that my car would be keyed or a horses' head would be inside my car the next time I stepped out.  Luckily, nothing of the sort -- and now when he sees me coming he makes a point to be clear out of my path.  I was going to say "I'm sorry, I'm just sensitive because I'm pregnant", but decided that I didn't even owe an explanation because it's rude that they smoke in front of the door and illegal and I just don't want them to do it.  Haha... So yeah, I'm ridiculous. 

Alright, this turned into something a lot more than planned -- without further ado, here are my week 31, 32, and 33 week-by-week belly pictures.

Week 31:  The Hyperactive Head of Lettuce (was moving like CRAZY)
Week 32:  The Jiving Jicama (again, moving like crazy -- we debated using a "j" sound or the "h" sound and decided on keeping it letter relevant, versus sound... you're welcome for the background info)
Week 33:  The Happening Honeydew

Have a great week everyone!!!  (Next up, the amazing work John has been doing to our spare bathroom!!!!!)

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