Sunday, January 20, 2013

Slow progress is still progress....

I hate the feeling of always being out of time, but I think it's how I live my life.  I need to schedule in time, and then actually do something with it.  Whenever I have a free moment when I should be cleaning, organizing, clearing crap out of our place ... getting the nursery cleaned out from all the junk that keeps managing to migrate there...  this is when I seriously wish I could just hire someone to go through everything and put it together for me. Or I guess I could just suck it up and be a responsible person, but where's the fun in that??

But the good news is, that we are slowly making headway on the nursery in terms of getting furniture and some basic baby essentials.  We bought a dresser.  I had been hoping to find something awesome on craigslist, but I just couldn't find something that would work.  I was looking into midcentury dressers, but of course many of the ones that I found were still expensive, and most of them weren't tall enough to fit what we needed.  Some of them were really long as well, which I was a bit nervous about since our room has such limited space.  But we were able to get a dresser on sale, and while a little bit more "rustic" than I originally had thought I wanted -- I really like the way it looks.  It has a lower open shelf that I'm looking forward to adding some baskets so that McNugget can have access to some of his toys and anything else that he can get into on his own.  Otherwise, nearly everything in that space is elevated far out of his reach.

We also found a crib skirt and a changing pad cover.  I'm pretty excited about it.  They are all going to be a bit eclectic together, but I think it should be a lot of fun.  The crib skirt is white with stripes, and the pad cover is the "transit authority" from Land of Nod.  It looks like a city transit line.  I have a picture below.... and it's awesome.  We have registered for a second cover so that we can have a spare, but I love this one!

We also bought a stroller!  I had been looking at two specific ones, the City Select by Baby Jogger and the Vista by UppaBaby.  John and I did our due diligence of asking around (thanks to JuliAnna and Julia for their help with sending recommendations and thoughts our way), looking online and reviews and comparisons, going to the store and touching and playing with both of them to see how easy they were to use and to compare the two different strollers.  They were essentially the same thing -- which made it come down to either cost or look.  Funny story, John actually got on board with looking at them and picked his favorite --- the graphite frame with the orange seat/bassinet.  I knew that it was more money than we would like to spend - enter craigslist for strollers!  I have been trolling that site seeing if there were any good deals on random stuff that would be good for us.  I started looking at strollers off and on for the last 6 months or so.  The unfortunate thing of having John have an opinion is that he has a bit of a harder time "settling" for something else, and I have a hard time denying him things... which might be why we have LED light bulbs that change color, Wii U (plus Wii, pluse Playstation 3).... and generally why we have MOST things in our home.  But craigslist came to the rescue, they were having a floor sample sale at a baby store on Michigan Ave.  We strolled (ha, get it?) in there to check it out because I thought I had seen a picture of orange and black Vista -- and there it was!!  It turns out that we were there on the right weekend day, it was even MORE on sale.  So, we were able to pay and carry it right out of that store to our car.  It was a bit weird to walk it out with the bassinet holding the seat, but it worked out.  It was also probably pretty comical to have us get in the elevator and try and maneuver that thing around and ultimately fold it up to put it in the car.  We definitely had a few people give up on waiting for our parking spot because we were taking too long.  That's what practice is for!

Generally though, we are getting there.  As you can see from the panoramic photos, we still have a few baskets of things that we have to find a place for (candle holders, paperwork, DVDs, golf clubs), but hopefully we can do that over the next few weeks.  Our Flor tiles get here tomorrow!!!  Aside from one color that's on back order, so we'll be able to put our rug together soon.  That will encourage me to get all the crap off the floor as well.  I'm just so excited to have almost all the pieces!  Our hold out right now is the glider.  I want something that looks like our furniture - as in, it will fit in once it's not relegated to only a nursery or kids room.  That creates issues on price, because they are insanely expensive.  And apparently if you're taller than 5'4" and weight more than 130 lbs, it is hard to find a chair that doesn't make you feel like the Papa Bear sitting in the Baby Bear chair.  We seriously felt like giants in the one that I really liked the looks of (Monte Luca) .. so it's been a bit disappointing.  It also is frustrating because we can't find the other one we are looking at, to sit in it and test it out.  So we are in a bit of a waiting moment to see what we are going to do.

But enough of that -- on to the pictures.  Enjoy!!!

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