Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I'm Violet

As in Violet from the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  You know, the one who turned into a giant blueberry.  My left hand is normal me, while my right hand is apparently pregnant Violet me.  Did anyone else have lopsided swelling?  Because I'm feeling like my body is making me have some sort of split personality with my left hand being of normal size, while my right hand is trying to show me what I would look like if I weighed 300 lbs or was the elephant woman.  It's a bit unsightly and definitely uncomfortable.  My doctor assures me that it's nothing to worry about.  I'll be discussing it with her again at my appointment in 2 weeks just to make sure.  I've had soreness in that hand for a couple of months, so she feels it's just that I probably had some slight inflammation from the soreness and now the water retention might be kicking in and going for my weakness.

I hope it goes back to normal.. I'm happy that my feet, ankles, and left hand seem to have evaded this so far - but I would love for this to pass and pass quickly.

Here's to a less swollen 65 more days!  

(Hope everyone had a very safe and happy New Year's Eve!!!)

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