Monday, October 22, 2012

Introducing -- Chalupa Batman

If you don't watch The League on FX then that reference means nothing to you.  If you do watch The League, then you know that it means we are having a little boy!  

I know, I've said this entire time that I was thinking we were having a girl (mostly probably because that's what I wanted).  But about 3 weeks ago when we didn't get to find out what it was, I (and apparently John as well) started thinking that it was a boy.  I think it was mostly because of the idea of Murphy's Law or something like that.  Whatever you think, the opposite will happen.  So I started thinking that it was a pretty good bet that it was a little boy growing away in there, although we both kept it to ourselves.

But we finally got our organ ultrasound last Friday.  We were almost thwarted for a second time because when I had made my appointment for Friday I assumed that it meant they would understand everything based on the doctor's notes that I was supposed to be getting an ultrasound.  When we sat down in the office to wait for my doctor I started getting nervous because there wasn't a single word being said about an ultrasound... seemed like bad news.  Luckily when my doctor came in and asked if we were getting one today and I responded with a hesitant "I thought so?" she immediately left the room and must have put the smack down on either the ultrasound folks or the front desk folks because within minutes she was back in the office saying that they were going to be able to squeeze me in.  Phew!  Disappointment averted.  

When we sat down for with the tech, she asked if we were interested in finding out the sex and John and I without hesitation and I think in sync both said "yes, definitely".  I think that's our strongest response to this whole pregnancy thing yet!  Hahaha.  So luckily at the very end everything aligned and he let us see his goods!  After about 40 minutes of staring at a screen with sort of clear/identifiable images of various body parts she finally has the eureka moment and while looking at the screen says "there you go, that tells you what it is - what do you think?  Boy or girl?".  John and I are both staring at the screen, I'm terrified of guessing the wrong thing ("yes honey, when we were looking at the ultrasound we totally thought you were a little girl...") but I took a chance and assumed that what we were seeing was on the outside, not the inside.  Thank goodness that gamble paid off!!

So now we get to really get into this whole baby thing and start figuring out what we want, how much money we are about to drop (holy crazap is all I can say), and how adorable our little boy is going to be!  I can definitely stand to wait the next 20 weeks out - I say that now because I can still see my feet, tie my shoes, and I'm not swollen yet, etc. - but it seems more exciting now that we have more concrete information in place.

On the showing front, John thinks I am, yesterday my stomach felt so expanded I could barely breathe or sit up straight, but all my pants and shirts are still fitting just fine (aside from one pair that has a higher waist that I finally succumbed to a belly band for and then just decided I should stop wearing them entirely since they weren't comfortable and I had other pants that were).  So looking good so far!

And here are some new pics of Baby Boy McDonald!  I have more if anyone is interested, but I didn't think that posting Chalupa Batman's little boy privates on my blog was such a good thing to do - in 18 years he would probably be mortified...


  1. Well, hello baby boy! SO nice to meet you:) Can't wait for you to make your arrival in about four months!

  2. Yaaaaayyy!! I'm so glad you guys finally found out... can't wait to meet your little guy :)
    (Please place your knitting requests now... I have some very cute "boy" yarns.. or cubs/bears colors?)
