Monday, October 1, 2012

Sunny with a chance of baby showers!

So this Sunday I was lucky enough to help co-host a fun baby shower for one of our friends (Julia) who is due in November.  It was a co-ed shower, mostly so that we didn't have to figure out where to send the guys, and also because there was football on t.v. so they required little to no entertainment.

I got many of my ideas from either JuliAnna's shower (especially the poofs - which are so much fun to use, kind of a process to put together) or Pinterest.  I'm pretty good about not getting too sucked into the site, but I have to say that for planning parties there isn't really a better way to go.  Since Julia is due right in the middle of fall, we kind of figured autumn would be a perfect backdrop, hence the pumpkins, the colors, etc.  And KG and I found a fabulous tablecloth at JoAnn's that we couldn't pass up so it was essentially all based from there.

The tablecloth that KG found and we immediately knew we had to buy!

It was so much fun!  And the start of an eye-opener for what I'll be expecting, e.g., diapers, diapers, and MORE diapers.

Hands off to Dani for supplying a beautiful home to host (and amazing foods - cucumber sandwiches, pigs in a blanket, pumpkin cheesecake, fruit salad, mommy friendly sangria) and KG for being our leader in inspiration and design!!  I was just there to supply prosciutto flatbread and the cake pops.  :)

So here are the pictures I took, unfortunately I took them on my phone so they aren't excellent quality but you'll get the idea.

Happy showering!

I might have been a little into the poofs, but they were so much fun to put up.

The dessert area with cake pops, pumpkin cheesecake, and chocolate chip banana bread.  Someone with better handwriting should have written the signs.

The spread. Yumm!

More food and hot cider.

Our only "game" where we just guessed boy or girl and date.  We were going to turn it into a betting game, but didn't know if that would be in poor taste.  (Seriously who let that girl write on the chalkboards?)

 Little onesies along the mantle.  Paul and Julia are from Ohio so John and I made some Chicago styles to counteract the influx of Ohio State and Bengals gear.

Just a few of the boys hanging out and watching football.   

Oh and don't worry, there were more poofs to be had.  I guess no one really sat over there, but it was nice to know that corner was decorated just in case.


  1. The poofs are awesome! The handwriting is are too silly! ;)

  2. Dani ended up bringing them into her work to brighten up the place, I think that was the way to go. I plan on having poofs at most festive occasions from now on. :)
